mandag 30. mars 2009

Coming soon!

My new product, card holders in the Enchanted Garden print is coming soon to my shop.
I just have to make them in all the different colours, and get some good photos taken first.
Jeg holder på å sy kortholdere (visittkort, kredittkort, småpenger, smykker, hårstrikker, all slags småtteri-vesker) i Enchanted Garden trykket mitt. Skal bare sy i alle fargene først og få tatt noen gode bilder, så kommer de i butikken min!

søndag 29. mars 2009

Norwegian folk art

Today I want to share with you a beautiful piece of craft. Not contemporary, but made a hundred years ago! I got it from my mother in law. Her grandmother made it!

Maybe she lived in a house like this?
This is one of the old houses under Helleren in Rogaland. The last people to live here, moved away around 1920.
Her et stykke godt, gammelt håndarbeid. Det er en ca 100 år gammel nålepute (?) som jeg har fått av min svigermor. Det er bestemoren hennes som har laget den.
Kanskje hun bodde i et hus som dette? Huset på bildet er et av husene under Helleren i Rogaland. Fraflyttet rundt 1920.

onsdag 25. mars 2009

New design

My new design, the Enchanted Garden print, is printed.
I have printed on vintage napkins and patches for pouches etc.
First out are yellow linen napkins with green print. Now listed in the shop.

tirsdag 24. mars 2009

Enchanted garden

I'm printing my first enchanted garden prints tomorrow! I'm quite excited about it. I found some lovely linen napkins at a fleamarket on sunday. Now they're washed, ironed and ready for a new life with print on.
To be continued...

tirsdag 17. mars 2009


I'm so happy! My treasury reached the frontpage on Etsy this morning. Later, my last childrens shopping bag was featured on the frontpage and were sold some minutes later.
This is the first time I have been on the frontpage, so it's really thrilling for me!

Here's the childrens tote. I will make a new one and put in the shop soon.

mandag 16. mars 2009

Sweet William

A good tip for your garden is Sweet William (Dianthus Barbatus). It's a perennial and is one of the easiest to grow. And, best of all, it is the most colourful and long lasting cutflower you could want. You can buy the seeds here in greenthings shop.

If you'll rather go to the seaside, look into my new treasury: "We went to the sea."

Busknelliken er en gammel sliter. Den har vært ukul og kjedelig i mange år, men nå er tiden inne til å ta den inn i hagen igjen! Den har mange gode egenskaper; er kjempelett å dyrke, kommer igjen år etter år, er slående flott i buketter og holder seg lenge som avskåret.
Frø kan blant annet kjøpes her i greenthings butikk på Etsy.

Hvis hagearbeid ikke er noe for deg og du heller vil tilbringe sommeren ved sjøen, kan kanskje mitt nye treasury "We went to the sea" sette deg i den rette stemningen.

lørdag 14. mars 2009

And the winner is...

Moa helped me draw the winner. And as you can see, Kastafiore was the lucky winner of my giveaway! The penguin lanyard will be on its way to you very soon, Kastafiore.

fredag 13. mars 2009

The spring collection is on it's way

Mrs Cow has had a spring makeover. She is now printed in brighter, more spring friendly colours. More bags are coming. Even some for children. This bag is in the shop already.

torsdag 12. mars 2009

I won! Hurra!

I was the lucky winner of YooLa's giveaway! This has made me walk smiling around feeling lucky today. Take a look at her really cool designs! Thank you, YooLa!
You can buy the tutorial in her shop. It is really detailed and has good photos.

Hurra! jeg vant konkurransen til YooLa! Jeg føler meg så spesielt heldig i dag! Tusen takk, YooLa. Ta en titt i butikken hennes. Hun lager flere spennende produkter av strikket ståltråd. Skulpturelle granatepler, veldig tøffe lamper og hun selger også oppskriften på granateplene sine.

Don't forget my penguin giveaway. It goes on until saturday. Hurry up and leave a comment.

lørdag 7. mars 2009

Penguin giveaway!

I will run a giveaway for one week. Closing time is Saturday 14/3.You have the chance to win a cool penguin lanyard!

I have some new design ideas and would love to have your feedback on which one I should choose when I make my next screen.As you might know, I print on recycled fabric and make new items from it. This design is planned to be printed on small fabric patches for pouches and other projects.
This is what you do:Make a comment where you write the number of your favorite pattern design. Be sure you leave a way for me to contact you if you are the winner.When one week has gone, I will draw the lucky winner and contact him/her on where to send the lanyard.
Thank you for helping me to choose!

Vinn et pingvin-nøkkelbånd!Jeg har noen nye mønsterskisser som jeg gjerne vil ha tilbakemelding på. Som du kanskje vet, trykker jeg silketrykk på gamle stoffer og syr nye ting av dem.Min neste trykkeramme skal bli til små stoffbiter som jeg skal sy små vesker, punger eller annet av. Fargen på skissene er bare et eksempel. Jeg kan trykke med alle slags farger.Så enkelt er det:
Skriv en kommentar med hvilket design-nummer du synesjeg skal velge. Pass på at du legger igjen nødvendig informasjon slik at jeg kan kontakte deg hvis du er vinneren! Om en uke, den 14.mars vil jeg trekke den heldige vinneren.
Takk for at du hjelper meg å velge!





fredag 6. mars 2009

Pomegranate tutorial giveaway

Yoola is having a giveaway on her blog. If you leave a comment, you can win her tutorial "how to knit my stunning poms". And here's her Etsy shop.

Yoola gir bort en strikkeoppskrift til de populære granatepleene sine. For å vinne den må du bare legge igjen en kommentar på bloggen hennes. Hvis du ikke liker å strikke kan du kjøpe et ferdigstrikket i hennes Etsy-butikk.

torsdag 5. mars 2009

Lovely fingerless gloves!

I bought these real great fingerless gloves from Nofussgusset. They are so lovely to wear, and I love them already! Look into their shop!