torsdag 30. desember 2010

The best of 2010

If I should choose just one thing from 2010, the most important thing to me. It must be my walks in the woods.
I went through a diet, lost some weight and started exercising regularly.
I did not go to a fitness centre, like I've tried before. It's too boring and too hard to get there.
I just put on my trainers and walked to the woods behind my house. I rediscovered so much beauty, an array of trails and calming freshness. That feeling, to be there, in the greens.
I walked several evenings each week, and I became more fit and well exercised than I've ever been before. (And much more fun to not be angry at my body because my clothes don't fit me.)
Now it's cold and awful outside and I'm not walking. I'll maybe, just maybe, on a good day,  try to find my skis and go skiing.  But when the snow goes away, I will be out there again!

My sales around the world

I have used Travel Buddy to visualize where I've sent my designs.
I want to thank all my customers for your support through the two years I've had my Etsy shop!

søndag 26. desember 2010

Some New Year Favorites

Some Etsy finds again...
Nothing is like browsing handmade beauties on a calm day.
I'm thinking about what sort of products I shall make in the new year.
I'm thinking something simple and natural. Pouches, teatowels or totes.
-Any suggestions?

fredag 24. desember 2010

Merry Christmas!

We had an extra early start this morning. My son (Martin, 19) who is studying in Stavanger, came home with the night train. He had told me he came the 25th, but came home for Christmas as a surprise today.
In Norway we celebrate Christmas Eve the 24th.
What a happy morning it has been in the household!

My daughter (Moa, 5) is putting the presents under the tree. We are unwrapping them tonight, after dinner.
Big brother is taking a quick nap. I'm off to make the caramel flan now.

I wish to thank everyone who has followed my blog this year! And I want to thank all bloggers and crafters out there for the inspiration you give me.
I hope we all will have a fun new year with great ideas, sustainable crafting and lots of love!
But first a calm and lovely Christmas. I think I will do some knitting for a change.

God jul!
Merry Christmas!

mandag 20. desember 2010

Hush... Don't tell!

I have the most wonderful colleagues in the world!
Actually, I love them all to pieces!
I have prepared some small gifts for them this Christmas. Gift bags made of scraps from my reindeer prints with sweets inside. The tags are leftover cardboard with small ginger biscuits on.

And if any of you (you know who you are) should accidently read this, -please pretend to be surprised.

The new Etsy Taste Test

Finding new favourites on Etsy has become so much easier with the new Etsy Taste Test.
It's so spot on the art & designs I find beautiful and interesting.
Here's some new favourites i found (and some old):

Sustainable gift wrapping

These photos are from last year. Since my blog has gotten more followers since then, I thought maybe someone would find some inspiration in this post.When we receive presents, I keep the undamaged paper and save it for next Christmas. So it's always a puzzle to see which presents that match the various pieces of paper.

This year I've also made some reusable fabric gift wrap bags. My hope is that they will circulate and save wrapping paper the coming years.

The camel card is made from a gift box which came with some clothes one year, and the cat card is made by sewing some printed scraps onto cardboard.
What is your most eco friendly gift wrapping tip?

søndag 19. desember 2010

The Treasury Tree

I'm member of a treasury team on Etsy.
The Treasury Tree Team is a fabulous team of crafters who creates treasuries with each other's and lots of other Etsy seller's handmade stuff!

This is some of my latest treasuries for the team:

"It's just sad and grey outside", he said.

Honey, Honey...


Take a look at the other team treasuries here.

onsdag 15. desember 2010

2010 in greys

I found that I had several  images with the colour grey on my desktop. And I saw that together, they told the story of my year, 2010, more or less.

onsdag 8. desember 2010

My reindeers on Elle Husligheter

It's been a busy period with preparations for the Christmas market. This weekend was spent on the market and I've gotten myself a bad back from all the long working hours and for standing eight hours in a row for two days.
But the market was fun and I enjoyed talking to my cute blog readers and other sellers who stopped by!
I was so glad to see you and talk to you!
The only thing I missed, was the chance to take a proper look (&shopping) around at all the stalls on the market. Maybe I shouldn't have my own stall next year but go shopping instead!
There was one sweet Sweedish girl who told me that she had seen my reindeer tea towel on the Sweedish blog Elle Husligheter! Take a look here, if you want to see it.

onsdag 1. desember 2010

Julemarked & julesmekker


Her er jeg igjen. Jeg syr og syr om dagen. Jeg jobber for fullt for å få nok julehåndklær til Designernes Eget Julemarked. (På DogA i Oslo, nå til helgen.)
Jeg har sydd to reinsdyrsmekker også. En koselig smekke som kan følge minsten i juletida i 2-3 år. Deretter kan jo nestemann arve den. Kanskje en familiejulesmekke, rett og slett?
Jeg kommer til å ha med meg de to smekkene på DEJM, men hvis du har lyst til å sy en selv, så får du kjøpt stoffet hos Lin & Papir.

Ha en fin dag!