tirsdag 18. september 2012

Kamille Ideer

Det nye magasinet Kamille IDEER er kjempespennende, friskt og fullt av ideer!
Mange gode tips til ting man kan lage eller gjøre om selv.
Du kan også lese portrett om meg og det jeg lager.
Du finner magasinet i bladbutikken nå.


søndag 16. september 2012


My autumn collection of teatowels. Photo and styling by Marcela Recondo.

There's no doubt anymore. Autumn is here.
I have a busy day ahead of me. There's sewing to be done and tasks in the garden.
Sunday is a lovely, long day!

torsdag 13. september 2012


Teatowel with hand printed feather from Strand tekstildesign.
I will have news for you on Monday...
In the meantime, -take care!

Cool couple

Linn with the quirky and fun blog Linnosaurus has been to a wedding with her husband. -Isn't this a stylish couple, or what?
(And I hope you have noticed the bicycle necktie from Strand? So far the one and only made with this design.)

onsdag 12. september 2012

Official Strand web page

I have gotten myself an official web page for my business!
This is a goal I have been having for a while and I am so happy that I finally have achieved it.
The page is primary for retailers, but also has some basic information about Strand tekstildesign.
Private customers can find my designs in my Epla shop, Strand and my Etsy shop, Strand Redesign as before.
The web page is the great work of Gunnlaug Moen Hembery and the opening photo is by the talented Marcela Recondo.

How do you like my new page?

torsdag 6. september 2012


Jeg nærmer meg 500 salg i Eplabutikken min, STRAND!
Den som kjøper produkt nummer 500 vil få med et valgfritt kjøkkenhåndkle.

Over ser du sauepapiret mitt. Det er papir som jeg har fått trykket opp med mitt eget sauedesign. Mange har spurt om det er til salgs, så jeg har lagt det ut for salg i butikken min. Papir med koselige sauer får du HER.