This is the latest print from my studio. It's printed on one of my brand new organic t-shirts. Yay!
As you might know, I teach 16-18 year old students. They are in the habit of fighting for their civil rights. One of them is "#1 The right to go home from school early."
(Other rights: , #2 The right to use Facebook during lessons, #3 The right to eat during lessons and #4 The right to put on make up during lessons. And there's many more, of course.)
Back to #1. The most basic one, I think.
Particularly in the start of a school year, they try this one out with passion. They tell me how early the other classes are allowed to go home. (Most students they know are left out 20 minutes early, and once, there was this class who where sent home at 12.)
And they are actually telling me that if I don't let them go early, there will be no seats left on the school bus, and therefore, because of me, they will have to stand on the bus all the way home. And why can't I just let them go home early like all the other teachers does?
This is when I tell them: "Well, that's because you've got the teacher from hell."
So, being a teacher involves taking unpopular decisions. Sometimes you have to be the teacher from hell.