Now, that spring is just around the corner, or at least we would wish it was, I will recommend a sculptural beauty for your garden.
The marrow (winter squash) Blue Hubbard is lovely blue-greyish, has an interesting shape, is easy to grow, keeps well (several months in normal room temperature) and tastes wonderful!
What more is there to ask for?
The marrow (winter squash) Blue Hubbard is lovely blue-greyish, has an interesting shape, is easy to grow, keeps well (several months in normal room temperature) and tastes wonderful!
What more is there to ask for?
Wow! That's impressive. Is it your green hands that has made it so big, or do they normally grow to that size?
SvarSlettI think this one is quite average. I'm most impressed by all time it's been kept in my kitchen and it still looks all fine. I will turn it into pumpkin soup tomorrow!
SvarSlettHei på deg!
SvarSlettI dag er eg sååå lukkeleg! Eg har fått pakke i posten, eg vart ustyrleg-kunne ikkje opne pakken fort nok! Mmmmm, så deilige fargar! Skal lage ein liten kjole til minsten og kante med glade orange blomar! :)
Nydelege bileter! Kva er det du har planta? Inne? Imponert! Er jo eigentleg det samme kva det smakar når det ser så stiligt ut!;)
Og koppen der..og lilla..og.. nydeleg!