tirsdag 3. februar 2009

Blue Hubbard

Now, that spring is just around the corner, or at least we would wish it was, I will recommend a sculptural beauty for your garden.
The marrow (winter squash) Blue Hubbard is lovely blue-greyish, has an interesting shape, is easy to grow, keeps well (several months in normal room temperature) and tastes wonderful!
What more is there to ask for?

3 kommentarer:

  1. Wow! That's impressive. Is it your green hands that has made it so big, or do they normally grow to that size?

  2. I think this one is quite average. I'm most impressed by all time it's been kept in my kitchen and it still looks all fine. I will turn it into pumpkin soup tomorrow!

  3. Hei på deg!
    I dag er eg sååå lukkeleg! Eg har fått pakke i posten, eg vart ustyrleg-kunne ikkje opne pakken fort nok! Mmmmm, så deilige fargar! Skal lage ein liten kjole til minsten og kante med glade orange blomar! :)
    Nydelege bileter! Kva er det du har planta? Inne? Imponert! Er jo eigentleg det samme kva det smakar når det ser så stiligt ut!;)
    Og koppen der..og lilla..og.. nydeleg!
