Today I've been making pincushions. It's a great way to use the small fabric scraps that have grown to a big pile in my studio. I have printed a small version of one of my peony drawings on the fabric scraps. The lovely laces I use are very old. Made by my mums two single grand aunts who lived in Oslo and never got married. They made their income from sewing between the fingers on gloves for a glove factory. I have a small suitcase full of their work. It is my treasure and probably one of the first items I would rescue in case of fire.
onsdag 24. juni 2009
Today I've been making pincushions. It's a great way to use the small fabric scraps that have grown to a big pile in my studio. I have printed a small version of one of my peony drawings on the fabric scraps. The lovely laces I use are very old. Made by my mums two single grand aunts who lived in Oslo and never got married. They made their income from sewing between the fingers on gloves for a glove factory. I have a small suitcase full of their work. It is my treasure and probably one of the first items I would rescue in case of fire.
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Hei Unni!
SvarSlettMå innrømme att eg har kikka innom eit par gangar utan synlege spor (!???)
Heilt fasinert over dei fargane! Nydlege kombinasjonar på den nederste!
No skal eg fyllgje med deg..klarar ikkje bestemme meg for eit nett...
God varm helg!;)
Hei Unnni :)
SvarSlettNYDELIGE puter!!!!!!!!! Kunne du tenke deg å lage en pute til meg? Vil gjerne ha en større en slik at jeg kan ha den i sofaen....Er det noe du kunne tenkt deg så send meg en mail når du har tid :) Piontrykket er SÅ vakkert, elsker det!
Ønsker deg herlige sommerdager,