søndag 28. august 2011



If you feel like me and still want to grow something more in your garden this season, I will recommend you to buy a mint plant and plant it in your garden. Mint will grow for some more weeks before it gets too cold, and it doesn't seem to mind the rainy weather we have had this summer.
And even better. -It will start to grow happily again next spring. (Even though it's not the earliest plant in your garden.)
The leaves are lovely in a salad, with some meat and rice or, like shown above, in a smoothie combined with melon. -Not to mention how fantastically wonderful it smells!

PS Like you can see below, I got a comment from Lise B. It reminded me that I forgot to mention that mint is a rather invasive plant. It needs to be controlled so it doesn't take over the whole plot. You can do that by cutting the bottom out of a bucket and place it around the mint plant in the soil.
Thank you for the reminder, Lise B!

East Africa

Made by Mosey is raising money for the children in East Africa.
By donating money through Unicef or another organization, you can win this very cool, vintage teatowel quilt.
Head over to the Made by Mosey blog HERE!

lørdag 27. august 2011

Etsy Favorites

Looking into other peoples favorites is a good way to discover new great items on Etsy.
Here's some of my recent favorites:

I hope you will have a lovely weekend!
I'll be off to a flea market soon.

torsdag 25. august 2011

School Girl

My little girl has started school and she now entitles herself as a School Girl.
"-Now, that I am a School Girl... etc."
She was lucky to know most of her class mates from before. She started out telling us she had gotten six new friends and today the number was 23. Lucky indeed!

This is Prikken. (Dot)
He has gotten a new collar and is ready for the Plush Animal Party in her class tomorrow.
I bet he'll have fun!

lørdag 20. august 2011

Blomsterhagen på Abildsø / Mad about flowers

We all love flowers, don't we?
Personally, I want need flowers in my house all of the time. But in winter, when my garden is sleeping and I have to buy industrially processed flowers from the flower store, I feel kind of bad about it.
Anja Bruland is the answer to my dreams!
She is growing cut flowers in a sustainable way and selling them on farmers markets in the Oslo area.
She has this great site. (+ Facebook page.)And here's a collection of images from her lovely business: (The following post will be in norwegian.)

Her er Anja. Du har kanskje sett henne og blomstene hennes på Bondens marked i Osloområdet?
Anja er også av og til gjesteblogger på den fine bloggen Moseplassen.

Jeg dåner nesten når jeg ser så mange fine blomster på en gang. Jeg må nok bare slå fast at jeg er helt gal etter blomster...

Og gjett hva? -Anja holder kurs!
Hun har et bukettkurs førstkommende tirsdag og jeg ville så gjerne vært med på det. Dessverre er tirsdag den verste dagen på jobben i forhold til å få til det. Men kanskje det er noen andre i Osloområdet som har lyst. Jeg tror det fortsatt kanskje er noen ledige plasser.
Her er kursene hennes utover høsten/vinteren:

Det er også mulig å bestille skreddersydde kurs. Hun planlegger også blant annet et kurs i dyrking av hageblomster til snitt. 

Som du kanskje vet, har jeg akkurat flyttet til et nytt hus. I denne hagen er det ingen blomster. Jeg kjenner abstinensene veldig sterkt nå. Neste år må jeg bare ha blomster og en egen avdeling for snittblomster. -Og for å si det sånn, da skal det bli en del blomster...

søndag 7. august 2011

My new kitchen

As you might know, (See this post.) I have been moving from my partner and into my own house this summer.
Most of the time has gone to renovate the kitchen.
I felt that I really needed to get this done at once, since the kitchen is the most important room for me. The heart of the house. And a house without a heart feels strange and empty.

It's been a tricky job for me to get it all done. I was able to do a lot on my own, but have also been in need of much help for the biggest tasks. There've been family and friends here to help me. Thank you all!

This is what it looks like now. I thought I could do without a kitchen table, but have come to the conclusion that I need a small one. Perhaps painted green? I am sick of all the shopping and all the waste from the packaging. So I have decided not to buy more new things, only old furniture. -Which means I have to wait for the fleamarket season starts...

I'm a little unsure of how the curtains turned out. I had some vintage bedlinen left and wanted to use it. But the pieces were so small. So I had to add some lace I have inherited. -Sewn onto a piece of white fabric. But curtains are easy to change. And I like the sunny feeling they add. For now.

The small inhabitants of the house also need a place to cook/eat.
(The weird placement of the cooking books is to hide the hole in the wall after the
old stove I had to throw out.)

onsdag 3. august 2011

New childrens tee

I've printed some cute t-shirts with a pink ostrich.
My daughter fell instantly in love with it and wanted one.
I have only size 3 and 4 years, and you can find them in my Etsy shop and my Epla shop.
They are made from organically grown cotton, as usual!

The ostrich photo is taken by my travelling friend, Tone Regine Sauve.
She has a cool cooking blog you should check out, Gurkemeie.

We're enjoying lovely summer days here. I'm working hard to get my house ready before work starts again.

As you might know, I recently moved into a new house. I had to renovate the kitchen. Hopefully it will be finished by the weekend. Here's a sneak peak.

Enjoy summer!