søndag 25. september 2011

Hello Etsy

Photo: Christiane Hübner.

The Hello Etsy conference in Berlin last weekend was, as you might imagine, a fantastic event!
It's a bit difficult for me to convey my impressions properly since I don't speak the english language so well.
But I'm sure you are curious on how it was, so I'll try.
The event was well organized and planned in every detail. The Hello Etsy team had managed to capture the personal, handmade feeling that we love about Etsy. Like handmade soap in the restrooms, wooden bear shaped nametags, organic food and drinks, small plants in reused containers on the tables and so on.
E-werk, the location, was previously an electrical substation. Just look at one of the conference rooms:

Quite awesome, don't you think?

And there were little fellows like this one...

The Etsy stand was cut from cardboard.

I met lovely people like Sarah Sofia Hendy from Isle of Man and Maja Downar from Germany.
Sarah's homepage, Maja's homepage.

Here's me and Christiane Hübner. Christiane is a friend of mine from Epla. She has the very cool Epla shop Renna deluxe. And her Etsy shop is here. I was so happy to meet her. She is such a lovely person.

When it comes to the talks, I actually don't know where to start, or what I should tell you about. I have never been the sort of person that listens to talks, sees the whole picture and are able to say smart things about it in the breaks.
There where so much ideas, experiences, inspiration and good advices. The conference was a summit on small business and sustainability. About running your little business locally and still be connected globally and thoughts on how we can be a part of the way the world can/will/needs to change.
I felt very strongly that I want to be a part of that change.
You can watch the talks from the conference HERE. (Come on, do it!)

Some of us still wants to save the world. Or, I think it would be more correct to say: More and more of us wants to take action to save the planet. -And there are lots of thing we can do!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Å, dette virker så spennende Unni!
    Kanskje Epla kunne hatt et sånt lite miniseminar en gang...

    Det er så få som kan leve av dette i Norge. Som har vanlig jobb i tillegg og som på et punkt trapper ned på firmaet. Fordi det til syvende og sist er vanskelig å få det til å gå rundt...Lidenskapen og skapergleden forsvinner i papirmølla og piffen forsvinner. Mener ikke å være negativ her altså, men hadde vært fint med litt peptalk innimellom. Som jeg regner med at dere fikk der nede. I tillegg til at det må ha vært fantastisk å møte likesinnede fra hele verden...

    Er ikke så god på å lese engelsk, men jeg skal skumme gjennom papirene en dag...

    Fin ny uke te dæ! :)

  2. Det høyres fantastisk ut, skulle ønske eg var der også!

  3. Så fint det må ha vært! Håper du virkelig har fått inspirasjon til å fortsette!

  4. Hey Unni,

    thanks for your roundup of the conference! I still didn't manage to finish mine - there's so many things that are worth mentioning, that every time I try to finish my blogpost another important detail comes to my mind and I postpone the post.

    It was very nice meeting you. I'll talk to my boss in October the latest about new products we could buy for the shop. At the moment we're busy with the many fall/winter items that arrived over the last weeks.

    I'll let you know about the outcome of negotiating our product range :)

    Love, Maja

  5. Dette ser heilt fantastisk ut! Så flott at du reiste - det er sprekt gjort! Og så godt det gjer med slikt påfyll. Motivasjon. Hjelp til sjølvhjelp. Etsy er bare så bra - eg er innom heile tida;-) Vanedannande igrunn. Og eg trur som deg, at fleire og fleire tar små skritt for å redde jorda. Og at dei små skritta tel!

    Fin dag til deg!
