fredag 26. mars 2010

Saving the world...

...starting with these sad sad napkins.
I found some cloth napkins I bought on a flea market last year. I had planned to upcycle them with prints. When I looked closely I found them incredibly faded some places. And the fringe where torn and damaged. I almost threw them away. -Luckily I didn't. Because parts of the fabric where all right.

With a print in the right colour, they got a new life as pouches. I think they look like candy.
As I've said before, I'm never more satisfied with a product, than when I can turn something really crappy into something beautiful & useful.

Have a lovely weekend!

1 kommentar:

  1. Så søt!

    Du, jeg lurer på de merkelappene dine. Hvor bestiller du fra? Jeg har bestilt fra, men kunne tenke meg å prøve et annet sted også - og siden det er akkurat deg jeg spør, hadde jeg håpet på at det kanskje finnes et mer miljøvennlig alternativ? :p
    (Må passe på å bestille nå, før dete kjøpefrie-året mitt begynner, hihi ;))
