torsdag 31. mars 2011


Jeg har veldig bra tilbud på t-skjorter i eplabutikken min, STRAND, denne uka.
Du får 100 kroner i avslag på t-skjorter. Jeg refunderer beløpet via Paypal i etterkant.
Tilbudet varer til og med søndag 3. april.

onsdag 30. mars 2011

Bruk stemmeretten!

Nå skal det stemmes i Håndlaga 2011!
Dommerne har plukket ut ti finalister i hver kategori og du er med på å avgjøre hvem som skal vinne.
Er du en av de heldige utvalgte? -Da er det bare å spre budskapet.

Tusen takk til dommerne som har gjort en kjempejobb!
Og takk til sponsorene våre for kjempeflotte gevinster!
Du kan stemme en gang pr kategori, så tenk deg godt om. Avstemningen er åpen fram til 12. april og vinnerne offentliggjøres den 14. april.

Løp og stem!

mandag 28. mars 2011

Spring is in the air

If you're looking for just one accessory for your spring wardrobe this year, you should choose this one! It's a tote I've sewn from the cutest white and green floral curtain ever. And the best part was that it came with a charming, green trimming which I kept. (Of course. Anything else would have been madness.)
It's a one-of-a-kind and can be found in my Epla shop.

Last week I was busy preparing for my lovely colleague, Inger's, birthday party. She was born in the fiftees, so the dress code was in 50s style. I found this fantastic polkadot dress among my old dress collection. It was made by my mother's aunt Ragnhild.
It needed some slight adjustmens that had to be done mainly by hand.

I have listed this Hilda the Hen pillow case in my Epla shop.
I have to run down now and sew some more! There's some new cow totes waiting to be finished.

I hope you'll have a lovely week!

onsdag 23. mars 2011


Today, I'm interviewed over at the crow rooster crow blog.

The blog is written by the lovely Ariana. She takes the most beautiful photos. I love it whenever she has some new ones to share.

Like this one.

Thank you, Ariana!

søndag 20. mars 2011


I was in Copenhagen last weekend with the ladies. I know people ususally say "with the girls", but let's face it, we're not 19 anymore. We started out at a cafe with these fabulous anemones. I become so happy when I see some real flowers in a restaurant . -Don't you?

Of course, we spent a lot of time in shops. And I took some photos for my visual merchandising students.

More flowers, and TEA at Perch's tea room. -And scones with marmalade and lemon curd... Lovely!

You can see how happy I am here. In the middle of my big "tea ceremony", -which wasn't a tea ceremony at all, but a huge collection of finger sandwiches, petit fours and scones. And tea.

I found some fabrics and teatowels at Grønlykke.

Inspired by the spring fabrics, I had to make some spring totes when I got home.

Inger the Hen strolls happily along in the greens.

torsdag 10. mars 2011

I won!

I'm so happy! I just won this wonderful painting by IJ with one of my favorite blogs,
the lovely blog: Vestablikk. I love her colorful photos, her style and everything she makes.

And tomorrow, the happiness continues. -I'm going to Copenhagen with some very good friends. The sort of weekend you know, when you concentrate on looking/shopping, coffee, good meals, inspiration and good laughs. The lovely, cute, small people (who says they don't like the food, and that they're bored or so tired, they can't walk any longer) are left home with their dads and are probably having a smashing time too.

I hope you'll have a lovely weekend!

onsdag 9. mars 2011

Fun jewelry!

I just found these Oh-so-fun neclaces. -Love them!
They're from Als Wulfianum on Epla.
Take a look in their shop!

lørdag 5. mars 2011

Secret writing

-Something fun to do with your kids!

Use lemon juice, dip the back of a matchstick in the juice and write your secret message on a piece of paper.
When it dries, it becomes invisible. To make it visible, you need to hold it carefully over a candle until the secret writing appears! (A bowl of water near by could be smart. -We had a couple of accidents...)

This should preferably be done late in the evening, under a full moon...
My daughter and her friend loved the activity and have now decided that they shall start a Secret Club.

fredag 4. mars 2011

Happy Weekend!

I had a calm day at home with my daughter today. She insisted on taking a photo of me sewing.
I'm enjoying my new overlock sewing machine!

Two new totes finished! Two more nearly ready.

Have a lovely weekend!

torsdag 3. mars 2011

Eco tip

My daughter's tights got holes on the toes too fast!
Emergency actions were needed.
I cut off the feet and made them Into leggings. I used an elastic trim, twin needles and the elastic seam on my sewing machine.
So now, she can use her red leggings the rest of the winter.

I still find it awfully difficult to deal with elastic fabrics. I thought the twin needles might be the solution, but I still struggle.
Help needed!

onsdag 2. mars 2011

Har du nominert?

I will start to say I'm sorry to my english speaking readers! -The following information will be in Norwegian. Normal posts will be in English, as usual.

Hei! Har du vært innom Håndlaga 2011 og nominert?

Fram til 18.mars er det mulig å nominere sine egne og andres håndlagde ting til konkurransen.
Vi syntes det var viktig at man også skulle kunne nominere seg selv, for det er ikke sikkert man har blitt "oppdaget" av andre ennå og da er det fint med en sjanse til å få vist seg fram.
Det er åtte kategorier.
Du kan nominere maks en ting du har laget selv og maks en ting laget av noen andre i hver kategori.

Etter 18. mars, vil dommerne se gjennom alle nominasjonene og velge de ti de synes er best innen hver kategori.
Deretter blir det åpen avstemning!

Du nominerer ved å skrive en kommentar under et innlegg. Hvis du for eksempel vil nominere i kategorien for barn, finner du det innlegget og kommenterer under det.  Du kommenterer ved å skrive hvem som har laget det du vil vise fram og lime inn en link. Det er også flott om du skriver hvorfor du vil nominere akkurat denne gjenstanden.

For fullstendige konkurranseregler, les her.

Vi har jobbet lenge og hardt med dette og har også fått mange fantastiske sponsorer til gevinstene samt vidunderlige dommere som vi er veldig stolte av!
Vi håper dette kan bli et positivt arrangement hvor vi hjelper hverandre fram i rampelyset og gir oss selv og andre positiv feedback!

Spør oss hvis det er noe du lurer på!
Vi vil gjerne ha MANGE nominasjoner!