My grandfather was a reverent. He had this collection of old cards with illustrations from the Bible.
How I loved to look through those cards!
The cards have been missing for several years, and I thought they were lost. But the other day, my mother found them again. It made me so happy! Even though I'm not a believer myself, I love those cards. -The colours, the motifs and the stories.
I remember I found this card with the dinosaurs particularly interesting!
He gave me this card. I was so happy and proud of having one of the cards myself. At this time I was around seven years old and of course, he was my hero and I wanted to be a reverent myself. Actually, I insisted on holding preaches for my family on Sundays.
My grandmother was an artist. She painted wonderful paintings of landscapes and flowers. She grew herbs and flowers and I turned out to be more like her, I guess. This is some
linen napkins I printed today. The screen is made from one of my charcoal drawings of a peony.