torsdag 29. mars 2012

Wedding showroom

I'm lucky to have been invited to a wedding showroom in Germany. -Well, not me, but my neckties.
So today I've been busy preparing for this. I have printed some leaves, bugs and butterflies to add a romantic touch to my neckties. What do you think? Does it work?
I'm sure there's a lot of men that wouldn't be caught dead in a tie with butterflies on.
-But maybe they could just that special day?

And there's lovely roses from a wonderful man...

mandag 26. mars 2012

Shop update

I have listed some new pouches in my Etsy shop today. I have used the same prints as for my neckties. So if you are a woman and like the tie design but not really want to wear tie, this is your chance!

I have made a new decal for my front door.
It's the title of one of my favorite songs...

fredag 23. mars 2012

Sean Hembery - Shed Design

Sean Hembery designs and makes hand made furniture. 
I truly love the style and the feel of his creations.

He works with attention to details and uses 
heirloom woodworking techniques.
Sean Hembery works in his studio (shed) in Krokstadelva, Norway.
There's more wonderful furniture on his website.

torsdag 22. mars 2012

Spring feelings

There's wonderful, sunny days.
-And time for new beginnings!

Tulla has been sulking inside all winter. Now she's taking quiet walks in the garden. After all, she is an elderly lady. She is probably 16 years old this year.
She has got the cutest whiskers ever!

søndag 4. mars 2012

Bible cards and grandparents

My grandfather was a reverent. He had this collection of old cards with illustrations from the Bible.
How I loved to look through those cards!

The cards have been missing for several years, and I thought they were lost. But the other day, my mother found them again. It made me so happy! Even though I'm not a believer myself, I love those cards. -The colours, the motifs and the stories.

I remember I found this card with the dinosaurs particularly interesting!

He gave me this card. I was so happy and proud of having one of the cards myself. At this time I was around seven years old and of course, he was my hero and I wanted to be a reverent myself. Actually, I insisted on holding preaches for my family on Sundays.

My grandmother was an artist. She painted wonderful paintings of landscapes and flowers. She grew herbs and flowers and I turned out to be more like her, I guess. This is some linen napkins I printed today.  The screen is made from one of my charcoal drawings of a peony.

fredag 2. mars 2012