tirsdag 29. juni 2010

7 reasons why you should plant a peony hedge this summer!

1. They are the most romantic flowers! (Don't you think so too?)

2. Peonies are perennials. That means that they die down each autumn and grows from scratch in spring. And that again, means no problems with twigs breaking because of the snow in winter.

3. The fragrance is spellbinding!

4.You can plant strawberries underneath and make full use of the space. Remember, ordinary strawberries are sprayed with pesticides at least eleven times during the season and homegrown tastes best. 

5. Peonies are much more attractive than the usual Thuja hedging.

6. The foliage is beautiful too.
When the flowering is over, cut off the flower heads and enjoy the dark, shiny foliage.
7. They are very easy to maintain and will usually live for 50 years or more.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Nydelige!
    De er nå på ønskelisten til hagen!

  2. Så fint og sommerlig! :) Og gjett hva jeg fikk i posten i dag, fantastiske fru Ku-smekke! Jeg digger den! Takk:)

  3. My grandmother had several peony hedges in her backyard. Me and my sisters used to hop over them like frogs when we'd come for a visit in the summer!

  4. Nydelig! Jeg elsker peoner! Savner hage..

  5. God idé. Liker at de vokser ut på nytt hvert år, slipper "rot" ;) Flotte bilder!

  6. ja! Til alle punkta!
    Fantastiske blomar, både i hage og til snitt!
    Men...dei er litt små og pusslete i beddet mitt...det er ikkje så næringsrikt der at det gjer noko, sååå...eg må nok gjere noko med det!
    Flottare blom finnest ikkje!:) Såå da så!;)

  7. gorgeous photos! i love peonies ... a definite favorite and i love how you use their lovely image in your work, unni.
    i don't think i could grow them in florida because they are so tender.
    take care,
