As you might know, I try to reuse as much as possible in my designs.
(My t-shirts are new and organic, though.)
The biggest fabric pieces go to totes, the smaller to bibs, the smallest to lavender sachets etc.
But still my leftover fabric pile keeps growing.
Here's thank-you-cards from the smallest printed giraffe scraps and cardboard from a shoe box.
Work in progress. Sewing the fabric pieces onto the cardboard.
This is cardboard scraps from the paper recycling bin at work.
Stamped with my logo, they make good tags for my products.
The smallest pieces I can manage to make products out of, are these. I ususally print them and make lavender sachets and pin cushions. I love to make good use of everything.
This one with the printed number, is a sneek peak into my new secret project
with the working title "Small Scraps".
More info will come later!
Have a lovely weekend and do some good recycling!
I'm looking forward to one of the biggest and best flea markets tomorrow. -Hope to be lucky!
I'm looking forward to one of the biggest and best flea markets tomorrow. -Hope to be lucky!
Blir skikkelig inspirert av deg altså!! Klarer heller ikke kaste stoff biter og samler de minste i en kasse for seg. Disse blir til litt av hvert og nå har jeg enda flere ideer :)
SvarSlettHa en fin helg!
Du er et oppkomme av ideer :) ser du har vært kjempeproduktiv i sommer, mange nye flotte produkter!
SvarSlettDet er så gøy å følge deg. Du har masser av inspirasjon og nye ideer: )
SvarSlettSå utrolig fint! Og ikke minst veldig lurt :)
SvarSlettGod helg! :)
Takk, alle sammen! For tida føler jeg at det er for mye nye ideer og alt for lite gjennomføring...