I've been working on this design on and off all summer.
It's a vintage sailor tattoo inspired print.
-With a twist on the text. Instead of a love related text like "True Love" etc, it simply says: "Make an effort!"
Something that can be related to different situations of our lives and our society. Make your own choise!
Thank you to my lovely (and tan) neighbour, Elin, who modelled for me!
I got the idea when I was playing with the thought of what sort of tattoo I would have had if I was to have one. I have never and am absolutely not considering to have one. But never the less, I was thinking of what I would choose if I should have had one. -If you see what I mean.
And if you think that sounds weird, well, that's just how I am...
I've made a blue version too.
Flott sjømannstrykk!
SvarSlettTakk for fine kommentarar inne hjå meg! Rart med utedo - for dei fleste har eit forhold til det, enten nostalgisk eller avskremt:-) Eg diggar å sjå alle personlege, flotte eksemplar av sorten, og har eit par utedobilder på doveggen vår. Har du forresten sett ein trippel utedo - evt familiedo..? Berre sånn i tilfelle alle skal på do samtidig..hehe
Ha ein fin dag!
Kjempefine :O))) Du har en utrolig fin butikk på Epla ♥
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Klem Mica :)