I've ordered a bunch of organic t-shirts. It feels to me like the majority of screenprinted t-shirts on the market has a small crew neck. When I put on one of those, it feels like I'm beeing slightly strangled. And since I eat too much chocolate, most t-shirts I try on, wraps closely around my stomach in an unflattering way.
I have made a lot of effort to make my t-shirts feminine, comfortable and good looking on women in their thirties or more. (Also those who eat a little too much chocolate.)
But most of all I wanted them to be really sustainable, organically grown and ethically made.
If everything goes after my plan, the first tees will be in my t-shirt shop November 1th.
I'm SO looking forward to print them!
Which one of my designs would you like to see on a t-shirt?
I love Mrs Cow and the peony design and would love to see them on your new shirts! I appreciate that you will be selling shirts that are comfortable to wear, as everything sold for women these days seems to be so tight fitting. I do love my chocolate, too :)
SvarSlettI especially love Mrs Cow and Doris and agree about the tight tees- I only wear them with baggy pants or skirts and then avoid mirrors as best I can ...
SvarSlettGodt, at du tænker på alle os, der godt kan lide at spise lidt chokolade i ny og næ!! ;)
SvarSlettt-shirt med purple cow på...ååå det hadde vært herlig det!
SvarSlettjeg kunne veldig gjerne tenkt meg t-shirts med kule tekster på også jeg, feks. enjoying life and chocolate :)
gleder meg, å finne passende t-shirts er et mareritt så dette blir knall unni :) som regel når jeg prøver t-shirts så blir jeg helt "strupa" og bare den ene puppen får plass...fnis
grattis med gevinst, det var jo ikke vanskelig å bestemme hva du skulle få når navnet ditt ble trukket :) kjekt å gi uttrykk for hva man liker..
god søndagskveld og en fin ny uke,
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettjepp, vi i tredveåra vil ha OG fortjener tøffe t-skjorter!:)
The Sheep!
SvarSlettI'm looking for t-shirts, and find that most are a bit too snug for me as well. I like them looser fitting, and love a V neck as well!!
Oh - and love your sheep.
(Wish it was COLD here!)